Prevent Plastic Pollution

Prevent Plastic Pollution

image of Prevent Plastic Pollution

Plastic is one of the biggest pollution threats to our waterways. Plastic debris can choke and entangle wildlife as well as leach harmful chemicals into our water. Despite the overwhelming volume of plastic pollution in natural areas, the state of Florida has preempted local governments from regulating many types of single-use plastics for years. Now, the legislature wants to take it even further. 

Senate Bill 1822/ House Bill 565 'Regulation of Auxiliary Containers' would remove local governments’ authority to regulate single-use or reusable cups, bottles, bags, or other packaging designed for transporting, consuming, or protecting merchandise, food, or beverages from ...

Plastic is one of the biggest pollution threats to our waterways. Plastic debris can choke and entangle wildlife as well as leach harmful chemicals into our water. Despite the overwhelming volume of plastic pollution in natural areas, the state of Florida has preempted local governments from regulating many types of single-use plastics for years. Now, the legislature wants to take it even further. 

Senate Bill 1822/ House Bill 565 'Regulation of Auxiliary Containers' would remove local governments’ authority to regulate single-use or reusable cups, bottles, bags, or other packaging designed for transporting, consuming, or protecting merchandise, food, or beverages from a retail or food establishment. These bills not only prevent local governments from adopting regulations, they also prevent any state agency from regulating food packaging - including in our State Parks.

With your help we were able to stop this bad bill last year. We need your help to stop it again.


Tell the Senate Community Affairs Committee to vote NO on SB 1822

It only takes a couple of minutes to email members of the Senate Community Affairs Committee to let them know that you won’t tolerate this attempt to stop local governments from preventing plastic pollution. Take a moment now and urge them to VOTE NO on SB 1822. 

Customized emails are more impactful. You can include things like:

  • Examples of the impacts that plastic pollution has on the environment (animal entanglement, visual blight, chemical leaching, etc.).
  • The fact that FDEP's own study on single-use plastic bags showed that there is an appetite from many stakeholders to enact regulations to address single-use carryout packaging concerns.
  • An argument that local governments are in the best position to solve local environmental issues. 

Where do you live?

Compose your email

Email Tips +

  • Don't forget to include the name and numbers for the bill.
  • Clearly state how you are urging them to vote (Example: "Vote NO because...")
  • Keep it short. There is no need to write a whole essay. A few sentences will do. 
  • Make it personal. Elected officials tend to ignore emails that are copied and pasted from 100s of people. Add a personal touch like a story or how this bill would impact your community.