Protect Our Parks

Protect Our Parks

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Last summer, thousands of Floridians rallied together to oppose a ridiculous proposal to build hotels, golf courses, and pickleball courts in State Parks across Florida. In response to that outcry, legislators have filed Senate Bill 80/ House Bill 209, the "State Park Preservation Act" to prevent similar threats in the future. While this bill is a step in the right direction, It needs stronger language to adequately protect our parks. 

Tell Our Legislators to Strengthen SB 80/ HB 209

We need your help to ensure stronger, long-term protections for Florida’s state parks and other public lands. Contact the bill ...

Last summer, thousands of Floridians rallied together to oppose a ridiculous proposal to build hotels, golf courses, and pickleball courts in State Parks across Florida. In response to that outcry, legislators have filed Senate Bill 80/ House Bill 209, the "State Park Preservation Act" to prevent similar threats in the future. While this bill is a step in the right direction, It needs stronger language to adequately protect our parks. 

Tell Our Legislators to Strengthen SB 80/ HB 209

We need your help to ensure stronger, long-term protections for Florida’s state parks and other public lands. Contact the bill sponsors and urge them to:

  • Strengthen conservation intent language - Clearly define that state parks exist to conserve natural lands and promote nature-based recreation, not activities that require altering the landscape.
  • Remove language encouraging development in ‘disturbed’ areas - Many of these areas can be restored to provide valuable wildlife habitat and ecosystem benefits. They should not be earmarked for development.
  • Clarify rules for unsolicited development proposals - The bill should specify what types of privately proposed projects can be considered for state parks and prevent harmful development from being fast-tracked through public-private partnership loopholes.
  •  Eliminate vague terms that weaken protections - Phrases like “to the maximum extent practicable,” “significant harm,” and “avoid” create loopholes that could allow destructive activities. These should be removed for clear, enforceable protections.
  • Add explicit prohibitions and definitions - Clearly list prohibited activities to remove ambiguity in how the law is applied.
  • Extend protections to state forests and wildlife management areas - These public lands face similar threats and should receive the same protections as state parks.

Tell Our Legislators to Strengthen SB 80/ HB 209

We are glad that state legislators have heard our voices and filed Senate Bill 80/ House Bill 209 the "State Park Preservation Act" to prevent the development and destruction of state parks. However, while this bill is well-intended, it needs stronger language to adequately protect our parks

Contact the bill sponsors and urge them to:

  • Strengthen conservation intent 
  • Remove language encouraging development in ‘disturbed’ areas 
  • Clarify rules for unsolicited development proposals
  • Eliminate vague terms that weaken protections 
  • Add explicit prohibitions and definitions 
  • Extend protections to state forests and wildlife management areas 

Customized emails are more impactful. You can include things like:

  • Which parks in your community were targeted last summer
  • Descriptions of people rallying to protect our parks last summer
  • The importance of state parks to you and your family
  • An expression of gratitude for filing this bill, paired with a request to strengthen the language 

Where do you live?

Compose your email

Email Tips +

  • Don't forget to include the name and number for the bill.
  • Clearly state what you are urging them to do (Example: "Strengthen this bill because...")
  • Keep it short. There is no need to write a whole essay. A few sentences will do. 
  • Make it personal. Elected officials tend to ignore emails that are copied and pasted from 100s of people. Add a personal touch like a story or how this bill would impact your community.